He has multiple medical problems including diabetes, BPH, CAD,
and hypertension. He was recently hospitalized for pyelonephritis.
Ultrasound of the kidneys at that time showed that the patient had
several renal stones, but no other abnormalities.
homeopathic treatment
On this occasion, the patient reports recurrent back pain, and a
fever to 101 degrees. He denies urinary complaints. Through an
interpreter, the patient indicates that this is the same pain he had
during his last admission, and he did try to take some pain medications
at home, but they were ineffective.
homeopathic treatmenthomeopathic treatment
On physical examination, the patient’s vital signs are stable, with a
temperature of 99 degrees and a blood pressure of 148/85. General
physical examination is normal, except for some pain to palpation over
the lower spinous processes. Cardiopulmonary examination is within
normal limits, and abdomen is soft, non-tender, not distended, and
without masses or organomegaly. Prostate examination shows symmetrically
enlarged prostate without nodules. Neurological examination is within
normal limits.
Initial laboratory studies show a WBC of 15.6 with a left shift.
Hemoglobin and hematocrit are stable. Basic metabolic profile shows an
elevated creatinine at 1.7 mg/dL, but otherwise no abnormalities.
Urinalysis shows 2+ leukocyte esterase, 1+ nitrite, and 60 WBCs per HPF.
Blood cultures and urine cultures are sent off and the patient is
started on empiric antibiotics.
Initial chest x-ray shows a compression deformity at L3-L4, with clear lungs.
Than he contact online
homeopathic treatment and he select 3 month
plan and recently take 1st follow up and we find that he get a good and
beneficial effect from this treatment..